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发布时间:2023-07-13 作者: 浏览次数:1786


学历:博士      所属部门:植物学系

职称:副教授    招生专业:发育生物学

联系电话: 13701252493    E-mail:




  1. 袁运栋; 王永红;一种基于基因组二代测序的大片段缺失的检测方法(CN201811147424.5),中国。

  2. 王永红; 张宁; 余皓; 袁运栋; 余泓;植物分蘖角度相关蛋白及其编码基因与应用(CN201711424584.5),中国。

  3. 王永红; 张宁; 余皓; 袁运栋; 余泓;植物分蘖角度相关蛋白HSFA2D及其编码基因与应用(CN201711421468.8),中国。




1. 优化小麦基因的快速克隆方法,结合二代测序数据与自主开发的算法,高效克隆控制小麦优良性状的关键基因,加速小麦生物学机理研究,为分子设计育种提供重要基因资源。

2. 研究小麦农艺性状的分子机理,以小麦为研究对象,运用遗传学、生物信息学和细胞生物学等手段,解析小麦分蘖发生的分子调控网络,挖掘优异基因资源,助力小麦分子设计育种


  1. 泰安市科技创新重大专项:“小麦抗寒高产协同调控机制解析及新种质创制”,2024-2027年,主持人。


  1. Yuan, Y., Lyu, B., Qi, J., Liu, X., Wang, Y., Delaplace, P., & Du, Y. (2024). A novel regulator of wheat tillering LT1 identified by using an upgraded BSA method, uni-BSA. Molecular Breeding44(7), 47.

  2. Yuan, Y., Khourchi, S., Li, S., Du, Y., & Delaplace, P. (2023). Unlocking the multifaceted mechanisms of bud outgrowth: Advances in understanding shoot branching. Plants12(20), 3628.

  3. Yuan, Y., Du, Y., & Delaplace, P. (2024). Unraveling the molecular mechanisms governing axillary meristem initiation in plants. Planta, 259(5), 101.

  4. Jiang, L., Liu, X., Xiong, G., Liu, H., Chen, F., Wang, L., Yuan, Y., ... & Li, J. (2013). DWARF 53 acts as a repressor of strigolactone signalling in rice. Nature504(7480), 401-405.

  5. Sang, D., Chen, D., Liu, G., Liang, Y., Huang, L., Meng, X., Yuan, Y., ... & Wang, Y. (2014). Strigolactones regulate rice tiller angle by attenuating shoot gravitropism through inhibiting auxin biosynthesis. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences111(30), 11199-11204.

  6. Zhang, N., Yu, H., Yu, H., Cai, Y., Huang, L., Xu, C., Yuan, Y., ... & Wang, Y. (2018). A core regulatory pathway controlling rice tiller angle mediated by the LAZY1-dependent asymmetric distribution of auxin. The Plant Cell30(7), 1461-1475.

  7. Li, Z., Liang, Y., Yuan, Y., Wang, L., Meng, X., Xiong, G., Yuan, Y., ... & Wang, Y. (2019). OsBRXL4 regulates shoot gravitropism and rice tiller angle through affecting LAZY1 nuclear localization. Molecular Plant12(8), 1143-1156.

  8. Cai, Y., Huang, L., Song, Y., Yuan, Y., Xu, S., Wang, X., Yuan, Y., ... & Wang, Y. (2023). LAZY3 interacts with LAZY2 to regulate tiller angle by modulating shoot gravity perception in rice. Plant Biotechnology Journal21(6), 1217-1228.

  9. Huang, L., Wang, W., Zhang, N., Cai, Y., Liang, Y., Meng, X., Yuan, Y., ... & Wang, Y. (2021). LAZY2 controls rice tiller angle through regulating starch biosynthesis in gravitysensing cells. New Phytologist231(3), 1073-1087.

  10. Li, J., Yuan, Y., Lu, Z., Yang, L., Gao, R., Lu, J., ... & Xiong, G. (2012). Glabrous Rice 1, encoding a homeodomain protein, regulates trichome development in rice. Rice5, 1-10.
